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Friday, July 19, 2024

Basketball: The Art of Possibility

Learn every day. Teach as much as possible. The Art of Possibility by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander offers practical advice on navigating the world. It's not necessarily a 'cover-to-cover' book, but one to pick up anywhere for bits of inspiration.

1) Amidst the sound and the fury around us, "Remember Rule Number 6...Rule Number 6 is, 'Don't take yourself so g--damn seriously.' "Ah," says his visitor, "that is a fine rule. And what, may I ask, are the others?" "There aren't any." 

Many here have accomplished much more than I. So it's easy to be humble. Ego causes angst, envy, and error. Reining ego in can simplify our lives. Contained ego doesn't mean thinking less of ourself, just less about ourself. 

2) "The practice of being with the way things are allows us to alight in a place of openness, where "the truth" readies us for the next step, and the sky opens up." 

Everyone sees what we want to see. Seeing what is actually there demands a lot higher skill level. Build skills. "We can't run what we can't run."

3) "Yet in the music business, as in all walks of life, a leader who feels he is superior is likely to suppress the voices of the very people on whom he must rely to deliver his vision alive and kicking." 

Steve Kerr listened to videographer Nick U'ren and went small with Andre Iguodala to beat the Cavaliers. Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain's heroics at Little Round Top helped win the Battle of Gettysburg. The little known Bowdoin Professor earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. 

Lagniappe. Develop your handle. 

Lagniappe 2. Get stronger. 

Lagniappe 3. Bad teams don't contain the ball.