Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Hop and More

We struggle with our players developing a quick release. The two major entries for shooting footwork are the '1-2' step and 'The Hop". I don't think there's an argument about which is quicker. Steph Curry is a "hop" shooter, the fastest gun in the NBA.

This Wall Street Journal article says Curry's release is as quick as 0.3 seconds, although I thought I read somewhere that it's usually about 0.4 seconds. Either way, that's fast.

This video compares and contrasts the "1-2 step" and "the hop".

But great shooters have many dimensions to their shooting, varying from creating separation with or without the ball, receiving the ball in good position, proper targeting (including having the 'open window'), and shooting in range and rhythm. Young players often struggle with shot selection and form degradation under fatigue and game pressure.

To improve shooting percentage most quickly, improve shot selection.

There's no 'shortcut' to shooting prowess. Work ethic informs success.