Thursday, December 17, 2015

What I Believe (about Basketball and Life)

Even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart,
and in our own despite, against our will, 
comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. 
- Aeschylus

Basketball is not war (about which Aeschylus wrote) but competition which challenges, tests us, fulfills us and frustrates us. What we believe about that competition and how we communicate that to our players makes a difference to their future. 

Can we express ourselves better, with our best intent and clarity? We communicate most effectively using 'primacy' (this is what's most important) and 'recency' (this is the final point). 

"Share something great." Each of you have unique skills that can enrich the team. Share the best of yourself.

"Good artists borrow; great artists steal." - Picasso   I'll beg, borrow, or (figuratively) steal whatever I can to help my team. 

"I'm pleased, but I'm not satisfied." I've directly stolen this from my high school coach. Become the best version of yourself. It's about the work

"Do your best today." As a physician, I know that "tomorrow is promised to no one." John Wooden said it better, "Make each day your masterpiece."

"I believe in you." What four more inspirational words can you tell another person? 

"Are we going to stand around or are we going to fight?" This is a corny movie line, but players want to be engaged. "We are going to fight!"

"How do we play?" Players need guidance and priorities to carry out the primary intent. "We play fast!"

"The difference between who we are today and who we are in five years are the people we meet and the books we read." Connect with people and books to establish a growth mindset. Read every day. 

"Do more to become more; become more to do more." If you are not happy with your role, find out what must be done to change it. 

"If you want to change the world, then you have to change yourself first." Education is foremost about changing behavior. As basketball teachers, we must develop mastery of communication and connection.