Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fast Five: Look in the Mirror

You have dreams. You say you want to be great. 

Does your work ethic match your dreams? "The magic is in the work." 

"Are you investing your time or spending it?" - Nick Saban    

How good do you want to be? Do you want to make the team, do you want to play, or do you want to make a difference? Plan your work; work your plan

Track your process. If you took a hundred free throws yesterday, how many did you make? If you made a hundred yesterday, how many did you miss? Shrink the misses. Darren Hardy discusses TRACKING in The Compound Effect

How are you going to improve TODAY? Find answers for weaknesses. Get bigger, faster, stronger. Study the game with 'coaches' eyes'. Pick a topic and quiz yourself about what you know. If you were going to teach a teammate about moving without the ball, setting and using screens, or defending the pick and roll, could you show your knowledge and help them understand?

Look in the mirror. Take ownership of your results. Now.