Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lo Siento (No Mas!)

"Lo siento." I don't want to hear it. I don't speak Spanish and neither do my players but I explained the meaning at workouts recently. 

I don't want to hear it in your 'business' sense, your 'basketball play' sense, or your 'botched it' sense. 

Business. Take care of business. That means get your homework done right and on time. Finish your chores on time and done well. Get enough rest. A "non-sleepover" at your friends translates to sluggishness at practice. 

Basketball. Don't apologize for playing hard. If you commit a charge or set a legal "thunder screen" (you don't see it, you hear it) that's a basketball play. Sure, help the girl up, but maintain your space. There's no apologies for basketball plays. 

Botches. Backcourt, line violations, 3-seconds. Be aware of boundaries Shot turnovers. Know good shots for yourself and each teammate. Passing fancy? The bigs don't want the ball at their ankles or three feet over their head. Don't let passes go awry because you didn't finish your cut, weren't looking at the ball, or don't come to meet the ball (shorten the pass). Ida Know. Whom are you covering? You can't seriously want to play and not know. 

Do the next right thing right. I don't want to hear "lo siento"...unless you're Linda Ronstadt. 

Bonus: McCormick Layup Chase drill