Thursday, August 3, 2017

Special Delivery: The Good, the Bad, the Possibilities

We have three major types of learning - visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (movement). There's a slogan in medicine that is a variant, "see one, do one, teach one." 

Here are a few quick concepts designed to tickle the visual cortex. 

1. Usually, I think of a tap pass as rebounder to rebounder. LBJ has no such limits.

2. Not watching/ball watching/head turners. Learn by seeing DME (defensive mistakes and errors). The alert offensive player knows when defenders are "ball watching". This allows basket cuts or other relocations. Lonzo Ball excels at seeing and delivering passes when defenders 'sleep' on him. The examples above show disengaged defense leading to easy baskets. 

3. Rhythm and shape. Anson Dorrance shares the 'rhythm' of action and shape of the game (soccer). If basketball is a game of cutting and passing, cutting reflects change of pace and direction and shape is spacing. 

Young players may not 'see' much. Experienced players see many options:

1)  High ball screen and roll (or slip)
2)  Wing entry for isolation
3)  Wing entry for side pick-and-roll-with 5
4)  Wing entry and UCLA cut 
5)  Post entry and isolation
6)  Post entry and wing back cut
7)  Post entry and 5 basket cut
8)  Post entry and 'scissors' action
9)  Post entry, 3 clears, handoff to 1 
10)Post entry, 1 cuts and screens 3

These are just some action that experienced observers internalize. In chess, they sometimes call this "chunking" as grandmasters organize the board by positional chunks. Our task is teaching players to 'see' the game.