Tom Brady explains his success as "having the answers to the test." What questions belong on our daily self-examination?
1. How do I improve today? Be specific.
2. What does my team need now? We're young. Mike Krzyzewski's advice, "it's about making plays, not running plays." We're playing a lot of 'small-sided games' (3 on 3) in confined spaces.
3. How can I simplify the game? Everything offensively starts with spacing. We're starting to understand how "ball gravity" is negative for offensive flow.
4. Is this drill/activity translating directly to game play?
I repeat this drill. The girls really "got it" as far as attacking with this last night.
5. And from Michael Useem in The Leadership Moment, the after-action review:
What went well?
What went poorly?
How can I improve what went poorly?
What is the enduring lesson?