Friday, May 17, 2019

Basketball: Barbecue and Basketball, Quick Six

1. Draw inspiration from everywhere. Sam Jackson calls it a "life of observancy." I just started Aaron Franklin's MasterClass on Texas-Style Barbecue. Who knew the crossover between basketball and barbecue.

He shares his for the process and a willingness to make mistakes. He approaches online students as he would apprentices at his Franklin's restaurant, where people 3.line up for hours for the experience...and the food. 

"Be prepared to make mistakes. It's just about learning?" 

"It starts with the fire (fundamentals)." He establishes a base...and that includes 4.adequate gaps for airflow (spacing!). 

You get 5.different flavors with different animals (personnel) and pieces of wood (style of play). 

You get 6.more flavor from long-cooked barbecue (takes time to build the player). 

A piece of wood will burn the way it's going to burn. Every piece of wood is different. 

Lagniappe: I want to think about the game in a more sophisticated way...just like I want to learn to barbecue better. 

A two-minute video on staggered screens reminds me that we can create much better opportunities off our staggered sets. 

We can do more and better.