Bet on yourself.* But there's a catch. Actually there are a bunch.
*Be punctual.
*Don’t be a jerk.
*Be confident yet stay humble.
*Have a clear philosophy and a workable process.
*Do the work.
*See the big picture.
*Sweat the details.
*Learn and teach better.
*Others have feelings, too.
*Know the risks...especially if coloring outside the lines.
“Be aware of whose toes you step on.”
*Will our ideas withstand sunshine (transparency)?
*Develop a thicker skin.
*Do a premortem. (What can go wrong?)
*Understand the role of skill and luck in outcomes.
*Keep an open mind. We will be wrong.
*Be the keeper of the story (advance the story).
*Edit, edit, edit.
*Our pyramid will entomb us. Sooner or later?