Monday, November 30, 2020

Basketball: Fast Five - Questions and Answers

Nobody wants to get worse at (fill in the blank). "Gee, I wish I could shoot free throws worse," said no one never. So, invert. What offers improvement and works across domains? 

1. How do I smooth the path? Ryan Holiday discusses the anteambulo, the person clearing the way. As coaches, adding value, connecting players with opportunity (and sometimes colleges), we clear the way. Clear our own path by building better habits, reducing obstacles. Keep reading materials nearby to read more. Ration distractions

2. What is my self-assessment? Am I getting better? This is my process. These are my results. Does it need tweaking or an overhaul? 

3. What does my team need now? Is it personnel, technique, tactics, training, video study, conditioning, rest, motivation? 

4. "What are the FIVE MORE?" The most disciplined among us fatigue and lose focus. Dan Pink suggests we commit to "five more." Write five pages, lift five more reps, take five more shots, watch five more video clips. Go beyond. 

5. "What am I missing?" Zelnick Media Group CEO Strauss Zelnick asks, "What am I missing?" And replies, "Listen to the answer." 

That favors a digression to 

"LessWrong is a place to 1) develop and train rationality, and 2) apply one’s rationality to real-world problems."

We misjudge; we fail. The site reminds us, "Blindly following our intuitions can cause our careers, relationships or lives to crash and burn, because we did not think of the possibility that we might be wrong."

Lagniappe: The Pistol Dribbling Drills

How can 'this' help my game? 

Lagniappe 2: Defending the pick and roll the Spurs' Way from Coach Daniel. 

Their key points (against downhill attack)

1) Force ball handler weak 

2) Fight over the screen

3) Drop the bigs

Lagniappe 3: Restaurants and Coaching (Summarized below)

Connectivity - the reach of an organization extends across a country or the world and becomes our legacy. 

Memories are our product!

We nurture people...both employees and customers through culture.

Results reflect ingredients (sourcing and quality) and execution (skills, teaching, training, and teamwork) and mentoring

We are part of a huge network, creating new standards and evolving. 

What drives him and his employees? Desire > passion