Cellist Yo-Yo Ma emphasizes head, heart, and hands. He shares a joke. A man opened his lunch bag on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, each time saying, "Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, again." His coworker says, "why don't you tell whomever makes your lunch that?" He answers, "I would, but I make my own lunch." We craft our reality... and our sandwiches.
My ambition is sharing ideas not owning them.
At its best, basketball is art. Structure and emotion blend with power and grace. If it were easy, then we would see art all the time.
Head. Coach Bob Knight argued that basketball is eighty percent mental. Young players have many needs - athletic development, skill, game knowledge. Let's focus on BOBs here, deviating from the approach of one formation and multiple movements.
- "Get on the floor"
- "Run the floor"
- "Play so hard, your coach has to take you out."
- Direct traffic/positioning
- Signal offenses and defenses
- Disrupt dribbling and passing
- Fake offensively and defensively
- Exhort teammates or the crowd
- Pick up a fallen teammate
- Thank the passer
- Congratulate or console a teammate
- Head, heart, and hands are driving forces
- Basketball is a mental game.
- Cultivate the "blue head" of calm and control under pressure.
- Metaphorically, we describe heart as toughness and resilience.
- Many of the Jay Bilas "Toughness" qualities relate to heart.
- Hands are versatile tools for play and communication.