Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Basketball: Common and Less Common 5-Out Offense Actions

"To see what's right in front of us is a constant struggle." - The Lincoln Lawyer

Teach kids to play, not just run plays. Remind ourselves, "we can't run what we can't run." 

Reduce to first principles from Dr. Fergus Connolly:

  • Initial spacing
  • Player movement
  • Ball movement
  • The 'scoring moment'
5-Out is ideal to teach these concepts. 

We should also teach why any offense fails.
  • Excellent defense
  • Poor spacing
  • Not setting up cuts
  • Lack of urgent cutting
  • Passing neither 'on time' or 'on target'
  • Poor shot quality
  • Poor shooting
Initial spacing. We teach the 'three-point line' as the spacing line. For defenses, 'the ball has gravity', pulling defenders to it. Unfortunately, the ball also has offensive gravity and that corrupts spacing.


Years ago our sixth graders had about three practices and we were invited to play a team that had played together for a year. They ran a spread (5 Out offense) and destroyed us with simple actions. 

Top of set actions

"Dribble at" can lead to DHO or slip. 

Wing pass and ball screen with options including rejection. 

Pindown/Down screen actions 

"Derivative" actions (e.g. complex screening)

Lagniappe (something extra). 

Lagniappe 2. Developing 'give-and-go' and 'backdoor' actions. 

 Lagniappe 3. Kelvin Sampson knows.