Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Basketball: Force Multiplication, Second Chance, and a Duke Shooting Drill

Put our teams in the best position to be successful. Coaching goes by other names as well.

  • Editing - "The movie is made in the editing room." - Ron Howard
  • Player development 
  • Using tools of refinement
  • Opposition research
  • Opponent and self-scouting
  • Mentoring 
  • Force Multiplication
Here's a military force multiplier list from Wikipedia:

Let's examine a few simple force multipliers we can use. Find something that works for you. 

Recruiting. At a public school, recruit within the community. Make connections with youth coaches and young players to build bridges. Make tradition and community pride real. Keep stars home. 

Mindfulness (mediation). Among the "big 4" of technique, tactics, physicality, and psychology, mindfulness boosts psychology. Mindfulness reduces stress hormones and increases brain density in memory and learning areas. Less stress, more brain...

  • Video study - consider keeping a diary of what you learned. 
  • Shooting machines 
  • Drill book modification
  • Playbook reduction - the analogy of the Joe Gibbs Washington Redskins, 3 running plays and 10 pass players with variation in formation and motion to make it seem much larger. 
  • Upgrade practice tempo (tempo links to efficiency)...make it the norm and players adjust to it
  • Share drills and ideas with players via blogging, spreadsheets, email
Coaching clinics/online education
  • Wealth of online info (YouTube, FIBA, CoachTube)
  • Attend other practices (UCONN women's was fabulous)
  • Paid video/seminars
Notebooks. Commonplace book, blogging. Many of the thought leaders of history kept journals...Marcus Aurelius, Montaigne, Jefferson, Bill Gates. Write stuff down and go back to it. 

Lagniappe (something extra). Duke high volume three-point shooting drill. 
Reduce the distance and the target for younger players.