Sunday, November 6, 2022

Helping Young Players Reach Their Potential

On the cusp of a new season, share your absolutes with young players. 

Be specific. Explain why and how with granular detail. "Work harder" or "play smarter" doesn't give players 'actionable' information. 

Become a tracker. "Show your work." If you're progressing, your records will prove it.  

Become professional. A pre-teen can learn professional standards. Yes, we realize that some professionals are not. 

  • Be on time. 
  • Take care of your body - nutrition, sleep, conditioning.
  • Be aware of your interactions with everyone. That includes what you post on social media. "It's always showtime." 

Structure. Learn concepts of structure across sports. 

Share your philosophy. Match to your personality. But let players know that when they play for another coach, that coach defines their rules. 

Build skill. "Every day is player development day." Ask players to write out their needs and improvement plan. What are their 'four ways to score' and what actions will help? 

Self-assessment. Become your own coach. Reinforce your strengths (the Don Kelbick method) and find ways to lessen weaknesses (e.g. improving athleticism if an issue). 

Self-management. Discipline and decisions determine destiny. What is your commitment level? Basketball excellence isn't for everyone.  

Study the game

  • Read.
  • Watch video. 
  • Study the details of great players. 

Become more resilient

  • Mindfulness increases focus, lowers stress hormones and anxiety. 
  • Some people find affirmations and visualization improves performance. 
  • Practice 'situational basketball'. If you want to be a closer, you need the game of a closer. 
Lagniappe 2.