Monday, November 21, 2022

What Should We Do More? Steal Ideas

The "right" answer is the right answer for us. This is more "throwing some against the wall" and seeing if anything sticks. Second, everything we do more means doing something less or more actions combining offense, defense, decisions, competition.  

MUST handle pressure defense. Inability to handle pressure means turnovers, especially live ball turnovers leading to high opponent points per possession. It also create late shot clock situations.

Options to do more. 

  • Advantage-disadvantage with no dribbling forces a pass and cut mentality. 
  • 10 passes before shooting forces moving without the ball and encourages spacing to open passing lanes. 
  • Competition against superior players or girls versus boys. 
MUST reduce fouling. Fouls create easy shots and bonus situations for more easy shots. 

Options to do more.
  • "Show your hands." If it looks like a foul, expect a foul.
  • "Don't swat down on blocks." Verticality is vital. 
  • Move your feet. Get and keep legal guarding position. 
  • Better communication - give more help, rotation, and help the helper. 
MUST take better shots. Better shot quality is easier to get than better shooting skill. 

Options to do more. 
  • Share shot charts. 
  • Eliminate bad shots - e.g. tweeners, off-balance, threes by non-shooters
  • Analyze where points arise - e.g. types of shots (layups, midrange, threes, free throws) and play types (transition, pick-and-roll, isolation, cutting, pull-ups, etc.) 
MUST shoot better

Options to do more. 
  • Practice with purpose. Free shooting is not the answer. 
  • Practice under fatiguing conditions. 
  • Limit dribbles. You are not James Harden. 
  • Add defense. Just having a defender in front of you decreases percentages. 
  • Variety. Catch-and-shoot, wing attack, one-dribble shooting, etc. 

MUST improve game knowledge. Poor knowledge leads to poor decisions leading to poor shot quality and poor defensive choices. 

Options to do more. 
  • Video study. 
  • Develop a file of teaching video
  • Involve players in teaching (assign brief presentations)
  • Handle pressure better.
  • Reduce fouling.
  • Take better shots.
  • Shoot better.
  • Improve game understanding.
Lagniappe. Add value to the team. 

Lagniappe 2. Basketball is art. This BOB is art. 

 Lagniappe 3. Start. Stop. Stay the course.