Basketball is a game of _________ . Fill in the blank.
- separation
- cutting and passing
- playing harder and longer than opponents
I. Separate with the ball
A. Individual dribbling
i. change of direction
ii.change of pace (including pure speed)
iv.specialty - e.g. float dribble, negative step, stampede
v. 'stationary' - e.g. jab, rip, stepback
B. Using screens
i. rejecting screens
iii.drag screens
II.Separate without the ball.
A. Individual cutting
i. face cut
ii.back cut
iii.'head turners'
B. Team cutting
i. simple screens
ii.complex screens
a.stagger - including Iverson
b.double - including elevator/sandwich
c.serial - e.g. 'corner rip'
e.screen-the-roller (i.e. Spain)
Everyone doesn't need everything in their arsenal. More isn't necessarily better. A player should know her strengths and which techniques they specifically embraced.
Some examples: hesitation/hesi-cross
Drag screens
"Head turners" - take advantage.
"Corner rip"
Lagniappe. Hat tip: Troy Slavin
10 ways to STOP 🛑
— Shane Hennen (@Hennen_Workouts) June 25, 2023
How many of these do you have in your game? 🏀
1. Speed stop
2. Speed exchange
3. Partial stop
4. Inverted speed stop
5. Punch drag
6. Under drag
7. Cross drag
8. Inverted drag
9. Stride stop
10. Jump stop
Get in the gym a rep some of these out! 🙌