Monday, April 29, 2024

Basketball: Common Sense Teaching About Possessions

Games sum possessions. Try this exercise in "obviousness." How can we maximize possessions? 

1) Increase good offensive possessions.

2) Reduce bad offensive possessions.

3) Increase good defensive possessions.

4) Reduce poor defensive possessions.

I know a guy who lives by spreadsheet. Let's apply...


1. "Get more and better shots than opponents" - Pete Newell   That includes getting more shots for our best scorers. A shot close to the hoop but highly contested may be less efficient than a more distant, open shot. 

2. Play harder for longer than opponents (note Celtics vs Heat Game 2 versus Game 3).

3. The ball is gold - analyze types of turnover to focus on them. 

From Zak Boisvert

4. Don't send opponents to the line - show hands, don't swat down

5. No easy shots (transition, putbacks, no contest, bad fouls)

As coaches, "we get what we accept." From The Four Agreements, "don't make assumptions." We cannot presume that players know our understand our expectations/demands. Give and get feedback. 

Lagniappe. Model excellence in leadership and communication. 

Lagniappe 2. Contribution is more than points. 

Lagniappe 3. Maximize the impact and efficiency of a precious resource - practice.