Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Basketball: More and Better Shots

"Get more and better shots than our opponents." - Pete Newell

Where do more and better shots arise?

More shots:

  • More possessions
  • Win 50-50 balls
  • Clock management (2 for 1s end of quarters)
  • Offensive rebounds sustain possessions
  • Fewer turnovers
  • Force opponent turnovers

Better shots:

  • Better passing ("the quality of the shot relates to the quality of the pass")
  • More transition scoring versus half-court offense
  • Quality shot selection
  • "Multiple actions" (player and ball movement)
  • Distribution to better scorers in their spots
  • Layups, free throws, open threes
  • Force opponents to take harder shots "one bad shot/hard 2s"
  • "Multiple efforts" by playing harder for longer than opponent
Detail oriented: 
Key point 1. "Winners are trackers." The most immediate source of improvement is better quality shots. Tracking (shot charts) and team field goal percentage rose with accountability. 

Key point 2. Most underrated and less appreciated source of better shots than opponents is ball pressure and ball containment. Limit opponents getting into offense. 

Key point 3. Winning the transition battle can increase offensive efficiency (points per possession) and limit negative momentum from opponent runs. 

Lagniappe. Don't get burned by coaching errors. Simplify where possible.