Sunday, June 30, 2024

Basketball: Belief

From Brave AI: "Roger Bannister, a British athlete and neurologist, became the first person to run a sub-four minute mile on May 6, 1954, at the Iffley Road Track in Oxford, England. He achieved this remarkable feat with a time of 3 minutes 59.4 seconds." 

The four-minute mile was the Mount Everest of track, a once unsurmountable peak to climb. The ascent remained unattainable until Roger Bannister eclipsed it. Within a few weeks after Bannister, a second runner went under four minutes. Because Bannister had proven the impossible possible. 


"You can only be as good as you believe you are." 

"If you can do it you ain't boasting." - Dizzy Dean

When earned by players or teams, the coach should say, "I believe in you." 

Yet belief must be earned not bestowed. 

"The magic is in the work." 

Lagniappe. Chris Dorsey with a couple of ideas on beating switching defenses. 

Lagniappe 2. Watch for ideas to build into offense.  Player and ball movement kill defenses.