Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Basketball: Pickups

Remember Pete Carril's quote, "the quality of the shot relates to the quality of the pass." Also know that the "the quality of the shot relates to the quality of the pickup." 

Steph Curry emphasizes this in his MasterClass (subscription). Here's a relatable YouTube short

It's also important to coordinate the pickup with targeting. 

We used these lessons to assist with pickups: 

1) Quick Draw - hold the ball chest high and 'slam it' with a quick catch and release. You have to focus to catch the ball and coordinate ball movement into the shot pocket while targeting. 

2) Blind man - position yourself at the elbow with the ball and your eyes closed. Make a "rip through" move with one bounce into the pickup with your eyes closed. Automate that process. You can do the same back to the basket with a reverse pivot. You don't have to see to accelerate your pivoting and footwork. Work to get separation with footwork.  

3) Catch, shot fake (as the imaginary defender blows by). Make a one dribble move to either side into a shot. Jerry West taught to take a 'hard dribble into your shot'. 

The quicker and more reproducible your pickups, the more consistent your shot can become. 

Lagniappe. ATO. 
Post by @matt_hackenberg_basketball
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Lagniappe 2. Mentally tough? 

Lagniappe 3. Deceleration helps create separation.