Monday, July 29, 2024

Basketball: Aggregating Wisdom

Post by @adamgrant
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Grab wisdom whenever possible. Wisdom aggregates 'marginal gains' over a lifetime. Part of coaches' responsibility is redistributing lessons. 

A Twitter post informed an abundance of wisdom...and was deleted. I grabbed a screenshot and share a few excerpts. I don't know why the author chose to delete it, so won't share its entirety.  

  • "Pretend everyone was sent to teach you something." 
  • "The best networking strategy is a helping others first strategy."
  • "Normalize 'I don't know anything about that yet' as a successful answer. 
A young man recently informed me about Cervantes' novellas, "The Exemplary Novels" (1590-1612) which explore a variety of themes about human nature. "The Dialogue of the Dogs" predicts Jon Gordon's book, "The Positive Dog" about the relationship between two dogs and the value of positivity

Basketball teaches many character lessons. Defeat teaches humility. Struggles teach patience. Teamwork teaches sacrifice. 

The most arrogant among us see themselves at the center of the universe. Help ourselves by helping others first. Remember how Hugh Jackman sings in The Greatest Showman, "From now on, these eyes will not be blinded by the lights." 

Ignorance is opportunity. Imagine the proverbial Golden Goose of knowledge from which we might harvest daily insights. Arrogance slays that goose. Be open to learning. 

Lagniappe. Possession analysis. Where did the edge arise? 

Lagniappe 2. "Basketball is a game of separation." Separation is acceleration and deceleration.