Monday, July 8, 2024

Basketball: I Wish I Knew These Back in the Day

"I wish I knew that" in 1970. 

Phil Jackson's "Basketball is sharing" is timeless. Grateful for the instruction we got and realistic to know that today's online coaching resources add immeasurable value for players and coaches. 

Share nuggets with players before they arrive in high school. High school coaches and beyond see the players whose basketball IQ makes a difference. 

1. Possession enders are the players and actions that get scores and stops

2. Have the ability to score on one bounce from the three point line. 

3. "Don't dribble the air out of the ball." Player and ball movement create edges. 'The ball has energy'. 

4. Don't habitually put the ball on the floor on the catch. Break that habit early. 

5. "The ball is gold." One huge way to earn coaching trust is to take care of the ball. "Turnovers kill dreams." 

6. Defense is not optional. Bobby Knight preached, "shooters shoot, passers pass, and everyone plays defense." Take as much pride in stops as in scores. 

7. Coach preached "win quarters." Teach "win possessions.

8. Gimmickry won't beat good teams. Execution wins

9. Don't be in a rush to win. You can't win in the first two minutes but you can lose. "Harder for longer" wins. 

10."Utilize strengths, attack weaknesses." - Sun Tzu

Study basketball symmetry. Find solutions on the offensive end and look to take an opponent's away on the defensive end. 

Lagniappe. Need to score on a BOB? 

Lagniappe 2. Bilas on playing hard. 

Lagniappe 3. Reading the help separates passers. 

Lagniappe 4. Study our idols