Monday, July 22, 2024

Basketball - A Website for All of Us (Character Lab)

Closely held beliefs:

1) Learn every day.

2) "Share something great." That could be a book, show, quote, recipe, whatever.

3) Bring our best version of ourself every day. 

A great website keeps on giving with new and valuable content.

Go to Character Lab here. Unfortunately, it is a legacy site but has a lot of great content. 

For example, here's a piece dedicated to making better judgments


What’s the easiest way to help young people develop better judgment?

I think it’s useful to get kids to not just look for reasons why their idea is right. Push them to think about evidence for alternatives or reasons why their idea might be wrong. Help them think about questions such as Am I thinking about all the information available? What would suggest that this idea is wrong? Is there information that would refute the idea that I’m testing?

Restated, look for disconfirming evidence. What could disprove your theory? 

What does this have to do with basketball? Basketball tests our vision, decisions, and execution. If any one of these elements fails, we fail. The authors reinforce the point that decision-making is trainable

Character in basketball thoughts:

"Character is job one." - Etorre Messina

"Sports doesn't build character, it reveals it." - Heywood Hale Broun

Here's a brief AI take on Character in basketball:

In the world of basketball, character is a crucial aspect that sets apart exceptional players from the rest. Character refers to the intangible qualities that define a player’s personality, work ethic, and behavior on and off the court. Here are some key characteristics of a high-character basketball player:

  • Coachability: The ability to take constructive criticism and feedback from coaches and teammates.
  • Confidence: Believing in one’s abilities and being confident in game situations.
  • Mental Toughness: The ability to stay focused and composed under pressure.
  • Teamwork: Understanding the importance of teamwork and being willing to put the team’s needs before personal goals.
  • Humility: Recognizing one’s limitations and being open to learning and growth.
  • Discipline: Demonstrating self-control and discipline in all aspects of life, including training, practice, and games.
  • Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks and failures, and maintaining a positive attitude.
Lagniappe. Ignore players from other eras at our loss. 

Lagniappe 2. Be different.  

Lagniappe 3. "Drive for show and putt for dough." Dags on rewards possession enders.