Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Basketball: Leadership Fundamentals

Hat tip: Larry McKenzie

"Leaders make leaders."

The best teams have "player-led" leadership. Think of the Celtics and Bill Russell, the Red Sox and David Ortiz, the Patriots and Tom Brady.

A lot goes into leadership. Titles are not leadership. Leadership arises from communication and action. As Coach Saban would say, leaders do what they have to do and don't do what they know they shouldn't be doing. Develop leadership 'tools'. 

"The list is too big." Consolidate. 

1. Model excellence. Show your commitment, preparation, and effort. 

2. Serve. Constantly ask, "how can I help?" Serving adds value to our team and community. 

3. Be accountable. Leadership is accountability, holding yourself and your team to a high standard. 

Work at your leadership craft. Self-assess and don't be afraid to get leadership coaching from a mentor. 

Lagniappe. AI will be an important part of your productivity landscape. Compile and master the tools. 

 Lagniappe 2. Coach Steed shares his ideas about offense.