Saturday, August 24, 2024

Basketball: Signature Wins, Quality Losses

I strongly believe in "signature wins" and "quality losses." For the best teams, neither particularly apply. For teams on the come or trying to get over the hump, they matter.

Signature wins mean home or road wins against top teams and road wins against excellent teams. Quality losses are competitive (within two possession) losses against excellent teams. 

All of the above represent being a worthy opponent. Both represent something teams can build on in confidence and performance. Brad Stevens talks about 'competitive character'. A critical mass of skill, basketball IQ, and competitive character gives teams a chance at excellence. 

Analogously, there's a formula. 


PERFORMANCE = Talent x BB IQ x Compete level

ACHIEVEMENT = Talent x BB IQ x Compete level x TIME

Signature wins and quality losses help teams build confidence. They foster individual and team self-belief and promote belief and buy-in in the coaching staff and its philosophy and process

Lagniappe. Get the right person, the right shot, at the right time. 

Lagniappe 2. Etorre Messina emphasizes that in Europe the same action may get different defenses on the same play.