Monday, August 12, 2024

Basketball: What the Best Players Do

Coaches navigate swings in a team's performance, growth, and psyche. We have to bring energy, enthusiasm, and positivity to advance the story.

Be consistent in teaching. "The best coaches and players have the ability to make everyone around them better."

Teach MUDITA. "Your joy is my joy." Learn to be happy for the good fortune or good performance of others. 

Do the possible. As Coach Wooden said, "Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do." 

Do. Not. Quit. Coaches learn to deal with losses. Players need to push through. All of us do poorly with quitting. 

Simplify. Work to make players' decisions fewer and straightforward. Players, seek simplicity.

Lagniappe. Always love the energy of Coach Ganon Baker. 

Lagniappe 2. Reframing negative events can lower depression and raise life satisfaction. 

Lagniappe 3. Impact players should be obvious.