Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Basketball: What Is Hard Coaching?

Coaches get labeled as "relationship-oriented" or "task-oriented." The former is considered the 'player's coach' and the latter the 'hard guy'. Usually, coaches fall along the spectrum as few survive at either extreme.

What constitutes 'hard coaching'? Discipline demands punctuality, preparation, class attendance, and "knowing your job." Nobody succeeds without discipline. Discipline isn't 'hard coaching'. Where is the line? Is hard coaching like alcohol excess, anything beyond what I do? 

Once we toiled during the 'water makes you weak' era. Coaches know that water allows survival and helps prevent heat injury and delayed recovery after training. That wasn't hard coaching. It was tradition and uninformed coaching.

"Yelling" was part of coaching. Coach said, "if I stop yelling at you, it means I've given up and I don't think I can help you." Hard coaching loses balance between demeaning and demanding. It's a slippery slope for sure and a potential 'relieved for cause' criticism. 

This wasn't hard coaching; it was losing your mind...especially when the recipient was on the other team. 

How does AI (ChatGPT) define 'hard coaching'?  

"Hard coaching" typically refers to a style of coaching that is direct, confrontational, and demanding. This approach often involves pushing individuals out of their comfort zones, giving tough feedback, and setting high expectations. The goal is to drive significant improvement, enhance performance, and foster resilience.

While hard coaching can be effective in motivating and developing people, it’s important that it’s balanced with support and encouragement. Without this balance, it can potentially lead to burnout or negative outcomes if not handled sensitively. The key is to ensure that the coaching approach aligns with the individual's needs and the overall goals of the coaching relationship.

Lagniappe. Hurley principles - teamwork, process, competitiveness, communication. 

Lagniappe 2. Messina finds "primary actions" embedded in the middle of a play.