Saturday, September 7, 2024

Basketball: Core Sharing Concepts

I think Etorre Messina said, "character is job one." All coaches would agree that coaching is more than coaching basketball. Great concepts work in life not just on the court. 

Here are some items shared with our players for their consideration:

1) Coach John Wooden Pyramid of Success (laminated and shared)

Points of emphasis for me:

  • Cornerstones - hard work and enthusiasm
  • Center blocks - conditioning, skill, team spirit
  • Flanking the top - faith/patience = belief/time
2) Jay Bilas's Toughness principles (laminated and shared) a few key ones
  • "Play so hard your coach has to take you out."
  • "It's not your shot, it's our shot."
  • "Take responsibility for your teammates."
  • "Get on the floor." 
  • "Make getting better every day your goal."
3) Make the core philosophy simple and clear. TIA
  • Teamwork
  • Improvement
  • Accountability ("holding yourself to a high standard")
4) "This is how we play." Play smart. Play hard. Play together. Have fun.

5) Improvement concepts (from "Game Changer" by Dr. Fergus Connolly)
  • Skill (technique)
  • Strategy (tactics)
  • Physicality (strength, conditioning, athleticism)
  • Psychology (resilience and mindfulness)
6) Self-analysis (from Michael Useem, "The Leadership Moment")
  • What went well?
  • What went poorly?
  • How can we do better next time? 
  • What are the enduring lessons? 
7) "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
  • "Be impeccable with your word"... to others and to ourself.
  • "Don't make assumptions"... we don't have all the information
  • "Don't take anything personally"... what others say reflects them not us
  • "Always do your best." Our best leaves no regrets.
8) Offense has structure across sports. 
  • Spacing
  • Player movement
  • Ball movement
  • The scoring moment
9) Defensive goals are "one bad shot" and "hard twos."
  • Contain the ball
  • Deny dribble and ball penetration
  • No middle
  • Challenge all shots without fouling
  • Control the defensive boards
10) Overarching quotes
  • "Basketball is sharing." - Phil Jackson
  • "Basketball is a game of mistakes." - Bob Knight
  • "Make every day your masterpiece." - John Wooden
  • "Share something great." - be a sharer
  • "Control what you can control." - Stoic philosophy
  • Everyone can't be a great player. Everyone can be a great teammate.
If players embrace core concepts, they leave better as players and people. 

Lagniappe. Mental toughness is a process. 

Lagniappe 2. There's still a place for scoring inside.