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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chunking and The Blind Pig

Every teacher (including sport) should remember the concept of CHUNKING. Wikipedia describes that at individuals using "clusters of responses based on the items' semantic relatedness or perceptual features."

Ideally, we learn and teach using 'situational' reads to inform our decision-making/play. 

Here are a few sport examples: 

If you have no interest in sport strategy, situational strategy and execution means nothing. But coaches, players, and fans generate immediate alternatives, according to their experience and outcomes. For example, 'fourth and short'. The choices depend on many strategic inputs, score, time, and situation, personnel, risk tolerance. In the exact same situation, you could punt, pooch punt, go for a long field goal, 'go for it' (using multiple options), or try to draw the defense offside. 

In chess, masters 'chunk' the pieces, to reproduce the board mentally, deriving options and probable play sequences. 

In medicine, physicians have numerous inputs for diagnostic and therapeutic alternatives. Is the patient 'stable' or 'unstable.' Are treatments noninvasive or invasive? What conditions (e.g. pregnancy), comorbidities, allergies, or drug interactions might alter the response to diagnostic tests or treatment? What is the patient and/or family (if health care proxy) preference? 

Car salesman use a variety of 'pitches' or techniques to "put you in this vehicle." The best 'read' the customer and vary their strategy. 

In a 3-on-3 situation, post entry and wing back cut is easily visualized above. In this situation, the 1 doesn't cut through (increases traffic), the 5 should catch the ball with feet at a 45 degree angle to the foul line (better passing angle), and if X2 is playing 'high', then 2 takes her higher (set up your cut) and then basket cuts. 5 ideally delivers a bounce pass somewhat close to the lane line. Weak side screening distracts the help side defense. Voila! 

The 'chunking' aspect is recognizing the high post 'triangle' with 5-1-2 and numerous options, ranging from ball screens for 1, down or back screens, wing entry with 1 'bury' to corner into a different "Triangle" look, and so forth. 

Here's how it can look (courtesy Zak Boisvert):

Note for example, the misdirection action by the high post at 0:50. Fantastic.