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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You Win in the Locker Room First

I finished You Win in the Locker Room First by Mike Smith (former HC of the Atlanta Falcons) and Jon Gordon. 

They share a common sense approach to team building and individual development. Individual chapters discuss: 

Contagious (attitude)

They sum up with thoughts about coaching. 

They could have easily added some more C's - confidence, character, courage, and community. 

Here are a few quotes:

“Culture consists of the shared purpose, attitudes, values, goals, practices, behaviors, and habits that define a team or organization."

"Leadership is the transfer of belief."

"You need everyone to be aligned with the same beliefs, expectations, behaviors, and habits."

"One of the keys to listening and communicating is to ask the right people the right questions." 

“Transformational coaches invest in the root and, over time, it produces a lot of fruit.” 

“Culture drives expectations and beliefs. Expectations and beliefs drive behaviors. Behaviors drive habits and habits create the future.” –Jon Gordon