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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Basketball: Practice Activities That Kids Love

I love practice. Players love certain games, drills, or actions, often competitive ones. You all know the game Knockout, so I won't go there. 

1. Frito-Lay(up)

Better with multiple baskets. Each "team" starts on the baseline. The first player flips the ball to the free throw line, catches (back to basket), reverse pivots and attacks the basket for a layup (1 point if scored). They rebound, dribble to the elbow and shoot (another 1 point). They pass to the next player in line who repeats. Game to 21. Switch sides for second round. The drill emphasizes reverse pivoting, one dribble attack, and elbow jumpers. 

2. Ultimate. 

Ultimate is 5 on 5 no dribble with the goal to pass the ball into the opponent's endzone for a point. You can modify to allow bounce passes or scoring. The hitch? When the ball hits the ground, it's turned over and live for the opponent to advance the ball. It emphasizes good cutting, catching, and accurate passing. 

3. Celtics 11. Fast-paced competitive shooting. 

4. Specials (O-D-O = offense, defense, offense) three possession games

"Specials" informs 'scrimmaging' started via free throw, BOB, or SLOB. It practices offense, defense, special situations, and is played with full court man-to-man pressure defense. The coach chooses how to start each three possession game. I've put up a couple of our SLOB actions.