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Monday, June 28, 2021

Quotes from "You Win in the Locker Room First" and Turn Negative Into Positive (Player Development)

Players tire of hearing the same voice, no matter the coach. Especially in the era of big egos AND big money, 'seat fatigue' happens. 

Jon Gordon and Mike Smith wrote You Win in the Locker Room First. Because we are not Lombardi or Belichick, our attitude, energy, and positivity translate into better or worse experience for players. Here are some quotes:

"Build your culture up and down. Develop it in the boardroom and the locker room." (Steve Kerr preaches culture, mindset, and mentors.)

"Let everyone know your vision, purpose, and beliefs and make sure that your actions are in line with those beliefs and attitudes." (Set a tone and model of excellence.) 

"Be contagious with optimism and positivity...weed negativity from your team." (Everyone in our medical office has read The Positive Dog)

"Address the disease of complacency with your team." (Stay hungry, stay humble.)

"Remember that where there is a void in communication, negativity will fill it." 

"Take the temperature of your building and people daily." (Tom Peters reminds us about MBWA... management by walking around.)

"Utilize outside voices to reinforce messages and themes to your team." (Coach Lane brought John Killilea to speak to us at a post-season gathering. Coach gave him insights to share about each of us.)

"When team members connect and build strong relationships they don't just work with each other, they work for each other." (The Navy SEALs have a saying "two is one and one is none.)

"Stay connected." (My wife and I took Coach Lane and his wife Paula to dinner in Maine for our 40th Anniversary.)

"Your commitment must be greater than anyone else's in the organization." (The best player on the team has to be the hardest worker.)

"You don't have to be great to serve but you have to serve to be great." (A wonderful example of rhetorical chiasmus...)

"Value each team member as a person...decide to be a transformational leader." (We become what we choose to be.)


  • Players tire of hearing the same voice
  • Be contagious with optimism and positivity
  • Utilize outside voices
  • Stay connected
  • You don't have to be great to serve but you have to serve to be great
  • Value each team member as a person 
Lagniappe. Look for small deceptions to add. 

Some players use a negative step to launch separation. 

Lagniappe 2. Eastman's "Dog Drill" and more