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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Basketball: Luck and "Zoom Action"

Luck saved my life. A remote Thanksgiving eve, I drove to my aunt's to pick up the turkey. I witnessed a spate of bad driving along the way. Stopped on North Avenue (where the painted LEFT arrow is), preparing to take a left onto Prospect, I felt a harbinger of doom. When the light turned green, I waited, slowly counting to five and on three, a car on Prospect blasted through (left to right) the red light. It would have T-boned me. Divine intervention, luck? 

Where does luck figure into the basketball success equation? 

Kawhi ask why? 

Don Nelson NBA Finals shot in 1969 needed some luck. 

Ed Smith's book "Luck" shares ideas about luck. Here's a summary from Artificial Intelligence:

"Luck: What It Is and What It Isn't" is a book written by Ed Smith, a former professional cricketer and sports journalist. In the book, Smith discusses the role of luck in success and failure, and how it can be understood and navigated. Some key points from the book include:

  • Luck is often thought of as random and uncontrollable, but Smith argues that it can be influenced and understood through certain strategies and mindset.

  • Smith defines luck as "the intersection of opportunity and preparation", meaning that luck is created when one is prepared to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves.

  • Smith suggests that individuals can increase their chances of experiencing good luck by actively seeking out opportunities, being open to new experiences, and being persistent in their efforts.

  • The book discusses how luck and ability are interconnected, and how one's ability can be developed by working hard and putting in the effort.

  • Smith delves into the psychological aspect of luck, and how a positive mindset can lead to an increase in good luck.

  • Smith discusses how the perception of luck differs from person to person, and how it can be affected by various factors such as culture, upbringing, and personal beliefs.

  • Lastly, he talks about how the concept of luck can be applied to various fields, including sports, business, and personal life.