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Thursday, March 7, 2024

Basketball: Taking the Test

Find the reason to show up. Simon Sinek asks, "what's your why?" Sometimes we get thrown in the deep end of the pool. 

Over 40 years ago, I was working as second year resident not expecting a 'final exam' question in the Emergency Room. A patient arrived by ambulance, struggling to breathe...about to die.

I pushed the "code button" didn't work. No help was coming. Life or death, A-B-C... airway, breathing, circulation. I had never intubated a patient. I grabbed a seven mm endotracheal tube, forced it through the right nares, and it found the patient's airway. The patient lived.

It turns out the patient had a headache about an hour before and had a severe allergic reaction. There wasn't any history available in the moment. There wasn't any supervisor. There wasn't any option to "take the B." 

Take the test. 


Lagniappe 2. Get shiftier.