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Friday, May 10, 2024

Basketball: What Makes a 'Team Player'?

What essentials belong to a team player? John Maxwell elaborates seventeen in his book The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player. Could we distill them to fewer or should we expand them to more?

There's no shortage of comparisons, John Wooden's Pyramid of Success, James Kerr's chapters in Legacy, or Jon Gordon's list in The Hard Hat (below). 

Let's examine a Maxwell Chapter 15 (Selfless). Challenge yourself to develop a shorter yet inclusive list. But first, let's invert. 

Selfish opposes selfless. It represents 'what's in it for me', the search for personal glory over team success. Don Meyer said that most parents would rather have their child be All-State than win States. Selfishness chooses "numbers" with the priority of 'scorebook' over scoreboard. Some players 'need' more touches and more ink. Others need wins. 

Coach Kevin Sivils favored the TEAM award for the best teammate. The Best Teammate was the award that teammates voted. The award didn't have specific criteria other that that it was not designed solely to recognize the 'best player'. The players always got it right. 

Maxwell profiles Philip Toosey, an officer in a reserve unit called the Territorial Army. Called to fight in WW2, he refused orders to leave his unit about to be captured, citing "in any withdrawal, the Commanding Officer leaves last." He negotiated for more rations and less abusive working conditions such that only nine men under his command died during the ten months construction of the Bridge Over the River Kwai. Although he hated the subsequent movie, he took solace in having led his men as well as possible. 

Maxwell writes, "Being selfless isn't easy, but it is necessary."

He also writes, "the heart of selflessness is generosity." Leaders serve their community and earn the loyalty of followers. In the words of Professor Adam Grant, leaders are "ambitious givers," willing to share recognition. Crediting teammates and coaches for success doesn't diminish you and elevates them. 

In addition to recommending generosity he advises avoid internal politicsHe advises, "Be loyal" "loyalty foster unity and unity breeds team success." 

Maxwell suggests the following to become more selfless:
  • Promote someone other than yourself. 
  • Take a subordinate role. 
  • Give secretly. "Do something for someone who cannot repay you."
What features belong to the best team players? Shorten the lists.
1. Serve. Make teammate improvement your top priority. Communicate, collaborate, connect. 

2. Share. Share work, share sacrifice, share the ball. Find ways to workout with teammates. 

3. Lead. Model excellence in all things. Become a coach on the floor. Never be a distraction. 

4. Show competitive character. Embrace challenges. Be a worthy competitor at all times. Be relentless. 

5. Energize. Bring energy to yourself and teammates daily. 

Ask how you can both lead and follow better. 


Lagniappe 2. Lots of great teaching available.