“If you chase two rabbits you will not catch either one.” Russian Proverb
Visualize the process not the results. Students asked to focus on process had better motivation and focus. And better process leads to better results.
- Optimize process. Great process gives us a chance for excellence.
- Multitasking is a lie. A computer multitasks by rapidly switching between tasks. Humans can't do important work that way. Walk and chew gum? Yes. Study and watch television? No. We can only do one thing with full focus. Texting and driving kills, and estimated 16 percent of fatal accidents.
- Excel at time management. Do more by wasting less time.
Focus on "The One Thing" as described in Gary Keller's book of the same title.
Examine the big picture...all things possible for the success of a program. From the Pareto Principle we know that 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of the input. Our job is to find that One Thing needed to succeed.
Players? Players without coaching? Incomplete.
Coaching? Even the most exceptional coaching needs players.
Strategy? Without players and coaching, there is no strategy.
Player development. Without all of the above, pointless.
What encapsulates all of the above? Culture. Culture binds all of the above together. "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" and "fight for your culture every day."
What elements foster culture?
- Positivity. "We can do this."
- Learning. Grow your game.
- Teamwork. "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts."
- Simplicity. "Fall in love with easy."
- Meritocracy. Performance matters. "This is not a union job."
Director Ron Howard says, "the director is the keeper of the story." In sport, the coach is the keeper of the culture.
Lagniappe 2. I like to start this with the outside two shuffling side to side.
Lagniappe 3. Be an energy giver not an energy vampire.