Learn life lessons. Learn how to learn. Learn your sport. Each of us has a state of being which evolves. Embrace a learning culture across the arc of your life.
Acquire resources to function more effectively at home, in school, and on the court.
Boost emotional intelligence.
12 Sentences Emotionally Intelligent people use under pressure pic.twitter.com/wcoKvYecia
— Always Keep Learning (@AlwaysKeepL) March 9, 2025
Learn how to learn.
Take the free Coursera course on learning when you have an extended break (e.g. summer). It's about 8-10 hours. You will learn better study habits. I wish I had access to this as a youngster.
Write better.
A couple of great resources for writers are Stephen King's book, "On Writing" and Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird." You could start by searching for highlights from ChatGPT or Claude AI.
Become a storyteller. People remember great stories. The Heath Brothers' Made to Stick is a great read about the magic of storytelling.
And follow the advice of Director Werner Herzog, "Read. Read. Read. Read. Read."
Think better.
Use Mental Models. Get a valuable introduction to "Thinking Models" of Charlie Munger. Apply these principles to improve analysis and decision-making.
Use every tool in your toolbox to better yourselves.
The famous football coach Amos Alonzo Stagg was asked what he thought about his team. He replied, "Ask me in about twenty years and I'll be able to give you a better answer." Your coaches would say the same thing.
Lagniappe. "“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” —George Bernard Shaw"
Lagniappe 2. Zoom action can help us. Zoom is "downscreen into DHO."
Do you think there is a single CBB team not using zoom at this point? pic.twitter.com/YcJ2HOrhG1
— Matt Hackenberg (@CoachHackGO) March 13, 2025
Lagniappe 3. Ask better questions. Where do our points arise (transition-halfcourt offense-threes-sets-layups, midrange)? What is limiting us? How do our opponents score? It doesn't have to be "Nerdvana" high level analytics, just what is happening.