Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fast Five: Modeling Excellence

Five minutes, five messages...

As coaches, we want to produce excellence; start by modeling excellence. Where do we start? 

It's not enough to be punctual; we have to arrive READY TO GO early. Phil Ford called it, "Dean Smith Time." 

I keep this notecard nearby as a reminder. Bring positive energy. "I am here to help you succeed." It's not enough to make an appearance...we have to make a difference. Education (by extension coaching) changes behavior. 

Players need to know that THEY matter. Whether you call it relationships, connection, communication, the message has to be "it's about the players." Belief and trust can only grow from solid ground. 

You need a vision, a process, a relentless edge. Work your process. Excellence isn't a part-time task. "You are a lion in a field of lions." To model excellence, radiate excellence daily

"How good do you want to be?" We choose whether to invest our time (in our chosen pursuits) or spend it. This is Coach Saban's most powerful message.