Sunday, November 27, 2022

Basketball: Getting Hired (Clip and Save Post)

Many young coaches here look to advance in the profession and navigate the interview process. Consider possible questions that share insights into your experience, philosophy, and goals.  

The process won't always be fair or impartial. There's a word for that, "LIFE." Regardless, bring our best version. 

This Twitter post includes significant questions and suggestions from the investment community.   

What sets you apart from other candidates? (Here's a sample of the author's suggested answer.)

• Use this question to highlight your top 5 strengths directly related to this role. Look at the the job description to see which strengths they are looking for, and give examples of you possessing these traits in prior roles. 

What do you consider your greatest weakness?

What is your greatest strength?

Tell me a time when you made a mistake? How do you handle it?

Tell me a time you couldn’t meet a goal/deadline & how you handled it.

Tell me about some of the most difficult problems you worked on and how you solved them.

What have been your most significant accomplishments?

Describe a time when you successfully balanced several competing priorities

Describe a time when you disagreed with your supervisor or peer and how you resolved it.

Why do you want to work for us/ this company?

None of these are trick questions, unfair, or irrelevant. They remind me of a few quotes.

1. "I'm a salesman," from Chuck Daly in Daly Wisdom. We are always selling ourselves, our skills, values, and trust.

2. "It's always showtime." We are always being evaluated, being judged. You might argue that many of those judging us have fewer qualifications or experience than we. That doesn't matter.

3. "The main thing is the main thing." - David Cottrell, in Monday Morning Leadership What is the main thing? Maybe it's development or winning or something else, depending on the job. It's always about 'adding value' although to whom can be nebulous.


  • Bring our best to interviews through authenticity and preparation. We are selling ourselves.
  • What is our biggest strength?
  • What is our biggest weakness?
  • Share how we used conflict resolution with a superior.
  • Why do you want THIS job?

Lagniappe. "...a game of passing and cutting."

Lagniappe 2. Are our players "shot ready?"