Monday, November 28, 2022

UCONN - Duke Women's Teaching Clips

"Practice what you preach." Study and share video to help young players and coaches embrace concepts.

Both UCONN and Duke women are among the top programs in the country, with top coaches Geno Auriemma and Kara Lawson. Duke is young. The clips are extracted from YouTube video using 

UCONN's general plan is to score a third in transition, a third off sets, and a third on three-point shots.

Consider showing your players these brief clips and asking 'what's right or wrong with this picture?'  

Duke sets a legal screen and then an illegal one as the screener leans into the defender with a shoulder. 

"The game honors toughness." A UCONN defender impacts the game by changing possession by taking a charge. She is set and not flopping, absorbing the hit. 

"Great offense is multiple actions." Griffin gets a backscreen and then gets great position in the mid-post, sealing her defender and earning a layup. 

Make defenses pay for allowing advantage. UCONN sets some weak pressure and Duke gets a 4-on-3. They're young and they don't try to break the defense down. "Press your advantage."

UCONN sets a high ball screen out of a spread offense. The on-ball defender drops off Azzi Fudd and she makes them pay. 

I think Duke was trying to run Spain pick-and-roll (backscreen the roller). I'm concerned that the offensive player in the corner doesn't look "shot ready." The play breaks down and UCONN turns a live-ball turnover into another layup.

UCONN runs off a made basket. Duke is not alert and Muhl finds a runner and "waters the flowers." Teams get caught celebrating or inattentive and great offense capitalizes.

Spacing - ball/player movement - scoring moment. UCONN sets up a wing ball screen for Lopez-Senechal. Note the footwork. She catches without establishing a pivot foot. She rejects the screen and buries the jumper off one dribble after a 'shimmy'. It's like watching a Jay Wright Villanova video. 

Conversely, Duke is sloppy on offense. They set up a staggered ball screen and the on-ball defender (Fudd) goes under with a switch. The ballhandler didn't come off the screen tightly. UCONN is talking on defense. The Duke cutter is called out of bounds on the catch.

It's early in the season and the execution will improve. But players should learn on film rather than a myriad of mistakes. 

Lagniappe (something extra). Habits matter. 

Lagniappe 2. Matt Turell with "the Rondo" with some extra mustard.