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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Stamina Training for Basketball

How am I improving today? How am I preparing my team for the future? 

Conditioning for basketball relies on both training environment and heredity. We know, that for distance runners, that the respiratory response to exercise (VE/VCO2 = minute ventilation response to carbon dioxide) varies in both the runner AND family members. 

UNC soccer coach Anson Dorrance calls conditioning essential to the "competitive cauldron." 

First, define 'fitness'. In exercise physiology, using a metabolic cart to collect expired gas, we measure maximal oxygen consumption (VO2Max). This is how much oxygen your working muscles can use. This reference provides an introduction to understand VO2Max

Second, we approximate VO2max simply using a Cooper 12-minute running test. This article includes 'normal' values. 

Third, Japanese investigator Dr. Izumi Tabata developed a high intensity interval training (HIIT) regimen for the national speed skating team that dramatically increased both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. 

"Tabata training simultaneously develops the ability to sustain explosive bursts of strength and speed along with endurance for prolonged exercises like running or rowing. Tabata is not only more effective, it saves time, since you can achieve your training goals in only 14 minutes."

It's not that on. 

You can customize your Tabata training

Tabata's initial workout incorporates ten minutes of fifty percent maximal effort then high intensity interval training. The video below omits the warmup, which is important. Also, you can perform multiple repetitions of the training. 


Tabata's original article discussed exercise at 170% of VO2max during the HIIT. That is WAY more than doing some squats or curls. Resting VO2max (1 met) is about 250 ml/min of oxygen consumption. If your VO2 max were 40 ml/kg (we'll use 80 kg man = 176 pounds), that's 3200 ml/min or about 12.8 mets. 

What does that mean for treadmill exercise? 

According to these calculations, the 20 second exercise periods would have to be at 10 mph and 9.5 grade. 

I'd expect to star in the next version...

Obviously, strength and cardiopulmonary fitness training require acceptable health with medical oversight.