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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Zone Offense and Hatchell Notes

Sylvia Hatchell knows hoop. Someone mentioned she gave a great presentation on zone offense. Snipe hunt! 

Older Hatchell notes. Her book is excellent

Her zone offense chapter subheadings are straightforward/classical teaching:

Beat the zone before it sets up (transition).
Make the zone move.
Reverse the ball.
Attack the seams of the zone with the dribble.
Make two players guard the dribbler.
Use ball fakes.
Attack the zone from behind.
Flash from the help side.
Use the short corners...vulnerable for all zones.
Attack the boards.

These diagrams show the MSU zone set "Fist down" screening and attacking the middle of the zone. Coach Izzo's teams have attacked the Syracuse 2-3 with this. 

Screen grab (above) from some Hatchell notes. 

What has she written about zone offense? She discussed middle attack, flattening (distorting the zone), and overload. 

As a general rule, ball reversal and pass fakes create east-west distortion and shot fakes move defenses north-south. 

What do young players see? Show players the diagrams. Get Socratic. The point guard DRAWS 2 defenders and penetrates to pass. Do they see how the initial wing entry stresses the low defender? Did they note how the post players set up BEHIND the zone, becoming invisible? Did they spot how they FLASH into open spots

Ecoute' et repete'. Mi acronym es su acronym.  


Dribble into gaps.
Reverse the ball.
FLAsh into open spaces. 
Post up. 
Screen the zone. 

Players learn to the extent of their aptitude and attention. Repetition renders remembering. The more we accelerate their learning, the better they become.