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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Basketball: Simple Give and Go Plays and Shakespeare

"Fall in love with easy." Premium fundamental plays are the pick-and-roll and give-and-go. Teach kids how to play

"'O, reason not the need." - King Lear (Shakespeare)

Baking fundamentals into our offense brings them alive, makes them real. Combining them (vide infra) is even better. Movement births opportunity

Give-and-go needs a minimum of two passes, one cut, and a finisher. 

Simple top to wing give-and-go with 5 away. We can flash 5 to the weakside post to move x5.

Follow-on action depends on defensive reaction. The reason NOT THE NEED to keep 5 on the block is taking advantage of defensive help (above).

Guard wing give-and-go using 'traffic' away...defense caught in the wash

Wing to high post give-and-go. If the defense gets confused, worst case scenario is isolation for 5 (3 must clear or cut and replace herself). 

Corner to high post give-and-go. Isolation becomes teamwork

Give-and-go becomes a pillar of good offense. Others? Just a sample simple list...

1. Give-and-go
2. Pick-and-roll (and dribble handoff)
3. Isolation (1 on 1) 
4. Back cuts
5. Staggered screens 
6. Screen-the-screener
7. Screen-the-roller (Spain pick-and-roll)
8. Three-on-three initiated by UCLA cut
9. Reverse action

Use offense to teach offense