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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Basketball: Dog Days

Man's best friend spawns a lot of quotes.

"If they don't bite when they're puppies, they won't when they're grown." - Bill Parcells

People talk about "dog whistle" messaging, where only a certain part of the audience hears a negative or biased message. 

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." Toughness is a skill.

"Let sleeping dogs lie." Sometimes it's best not to dredge up old rivalries and old grudges. 

"Teams that can't shoot free throws do as well in the postseason as dogs that chase cars." - Tom Hellen

When we're wrong or misguided, we're "barking up the wrong tree." 

We're headed into the "dog days" of summer, where the heat is up and the dog star (Sirius) rises early.

Be a player or coach who, "has a lot of dawg in him." 

Lagniappe. Remember that most players, parents, and fans don't have "coaches eyes."

Lagniappe 2. Maybe a repost. I can't remember. But it's a link to small-sided games. You don't need a passing machine to benefit.