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Monday, July 3, 2023

The Write Stuff and Lagniappe

Teaching medical residents, I shared that "Learn five things a day, pretty soon, you know a lot." At the end of his internship, Dr. Bruce Flax told me, "Thanks for teaching me everything I know. I wish you could teach me everything you know."

Writing helps us to simplify and share. With luck, readers derive new information or review core concepts. Not all will be relevant or apply to your operations. With a lot of luck, readers find a dollop of inspiration. 

My purpose is to inform life and basketball lessons that assert skill, strategy, physicality, and psychology to impact results. I will do my best to meet that intent. 

It's never perfect, basketball coaching, playing, or writing. Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than information." That doesn't mean information doesn't matter. 

"Read. Read. Read. Read. Read." - Werner Herzog

"Find one item to rethink this week." 

  • Do we need to scrimmage more or less? 
  • What shooting drill do we need to add or subtract? 
  • How do we foul less? 

Lagniappe. I finish pieces with 'something extra'. What does AI say? 

Lagniappe is a term commonly used in the southern United States, particularly in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast region, to refer to a small gift or bonus that is given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase or as an extra token of appreciation. The term originates from the Louisiana Creole and New Orleans French dialects, derived from the Spanish word "la ñapa," which means "the gift" or "something extra."

Lagniappe is often used to describe a little something extra that is added to a purchase or provided as a complimentary item. For example, a baker might throw in an extra pastry when you buy a dozen, or a store might give you a free sample of a new product when you make a purchase. It is a way for businesses to show goodwill, build customer loyalty, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Lagniappe has become deeply ingrained in the culture of the region, and the term has extended beyond commerce. It can also refer to an unexpected or additional benefit or advantage in various contexts, such as receiving extra time, assistance, or a favor.

Lagniappe 2. Skill doesn't magically appear. Only in the dictionary does success come before work.