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Monday, October 23, 2023

Basketball: Running Better Meetings (Print and Save Edition)

Before reading, consider what belongs in a productive meeting. Never cram five minutes of information into an hour. Here are some I'd suggest:

  • Purpose (e.g. information, decision, change)
  • The empty chair (stakeholders not present, e.g. customers, fans)
  • Core content - concise, clear, satisfying curiosity
  • Use stories (recall Heath Brothers' Made to Stick)
  • Opportunity for questions, feedback
  • Summarize key points

This report comes from Coach Brooklyn Kohlheim's newsletter (@CoachKohlheim) about how to run better meetings. 

6 Simple Steps to Run a Successful Meeting

  1. Define the Meeting Objectives 
  2. Create an Agenda + Send Calendar Invites
  3. Create a Safe Space for Collaboration
  4. Strategically Choose Attendees + Appoint Important Roles
  5. Best Practices to Stay on Track
  6. End With Clear Actions, Owners, and Timelines


1. Could the process have been completed without a meeting? Email?

2. Have a curated agenda.

3. Safe invited "trust, confidence, and curiosity" 

4. Be positive. Avoid scapegoating. I attended a meeting decades ago where a famous senior physician publicly rebuked a trainee. Brutal. 

5. Keep the meeting focused (some try to hijack the meeting)

6. If change is to occur, clarify roles and timeline if applied. 


  • Have a clear purpose and agenda. 
  • Use stories. 
  • Keep it safe.
  • Avoid scapegoating.
  • Summarize key points, responsibilities, and timelines.
Lagniappe. Coach Hack summarizes where programs fail or succeed. 

Lagniappe 2. Deception. Slow to fast.