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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Basketball: Idea-Palooza

Think. The CIA has a branch, the CIA Red Cell, which does self-tasked analytical work on intelligence, "out of the box." The IC (Intelligence Community) rotates people into the Red Cell. The Red Cell is available for directed questions, but mostly develop their own projects.

It's easy to understand why. There's a natural "who do they think they are to question my/our judgment?" and according to Micah Zelko in Red Team, possible jealousy.

In most organizations, management approaches problems with a "we've always done it that way" attitude, presuming "that way" is the best way. It reminds me of Mike Rowe's assignment in Dirty Jobs on neutering goats. The work did not prove as easy as expected.  

Think back to your work experience. When asked for your opinion, did management or coworkers want your opinion or were we participating in a 'box-checking' experience? Management reports having done a survey and develops a plan of their own. 

A good friend suggested that to win more that I play the better players more. That was definitely true but also would have cost the bottom half of the roster more playing time, down from forty percent to something less. In the playoffs, I did play our 'superstar' more and we won a round. He was right and yet I felt an obligation to divide playing time somewhat equitably. 

What are your best coaching ideas? 

1) Find a mentor, someone whom you can ask for ideas or perspective. 

2) "Do the right thing right now." - Don Meyer  Whether it's "next play" of Coach K, Playing Present, being in the moment 

3) Develop leaders. Model excellence. Be positive. "Speak greatness." 

4) Watch more video. NBA highlight videos (looking for individual and team actions), teaching videos (e.g. Kevin Eastman), high school game film. See what went well and what didn't. 

5) Think again. Use analytics that impact outcomes. Differential "Four Factors" - SPCA (shooting percentage difference, protect the ball (turnovers), crash (rebound), and attack (get and make free throws). 

Lagniappe. A few highlights from first quarter of rematch of a Massachusetts State Championship game from March. 

Exemplary ball hawking and transition

Cecilia steals, attacks, and finishes

Draw two and pass works at every level. 

"The quality of the shot relates to the quality of the pass." - Pete Carril

Decelerate, change direction, and accelerate. 

CARE - concentration, awareness, reaction, execution. Every team must be good at transition defense. St. Mary's calling card is transition. Worse yet is fouling on a made transition basket