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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Basketball: How to Be Positive

"You cannot make a positive life from a negative attitude."

Positivity is a superpower. President Ronald Reagan told a story about a boy who went out to the back yard on Christmas Day and found a pile of horse manure. He grabbed a shovel and started digging. "I know there's a pony in there somewhere." 

How do you inhabit positive coaching? Here are ideas from a variety of sources: 

1. Speak greatness. (Rod Olson) "You did well BUT" is less powerful than "You did well AND..." 

2. Greet every player by name upon arrival at practice. 

3. Smile. 

4. Positivity is infectious. Infect the group with positivity and energy.  

5. Say "thank you." People love appreciation. Even better, write a thank you note to someone who helped you. 

6. Emphasize positive video clips. Anson Dorrance, whose UNC Women's Soccer clubs have won over twenty NCAA titles, shows only positive video. 

7. Take positive inventory. Give each player a piece of lined paper with teammates' names. Ask each to write two positive comments about each teammate. Collect them, cut and paste so that each player receives a sheet of positive comments from peers. 

8. Take a tip from Dean Smith. Make extra effort to credit reserve players who contribute. Starters and high scorers will always get credit while reserve players may not. 

9. Send 'progress reports' to each player, sandwiching an area to be improved between positive comments about their progress and contributions. 

10. Train players in positive affirmations. Help them form positive identity ("this is who I am") and performance ("this is how I play") statements. 

11. Stay connected. Let players know that you are available as a reference and for letters of recommendation. 

12. Network. Help players advance however you can. That can mean promotion for deserving players with other coaches and if applicable with the media.

Lagniappe. It's LEAP DAY in LEAP YEAR so...