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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Basketball: Not-so-Quotable Quotes

I coached middle school girls for about twenty years, six years as a head coach. The Rec Department didn't want my friend and me to coach together because they thought the coaching was too 'concentrated'.

Seven years ago, the girls shared quotes and memories after the season. Not exactly Shakespeare. 

1. Have an attitude. Play like a dragon, a mythological creature.

2. "Sprint, don't run." Sprint back on defense. Sprint on offensive transition. Sprint to screen.

3. "The ball is gold." Over fifty years ago, the Four Factors didn't exist, but Coach taught us not to waste possessions, to value the ball. Adhere to that principle, play defense, and you'll play a lot.

You never know what players will remember.

Lagniappe. "Ricky, don't lose that number." 

Lagniappe 2. Great teammates help teams do more.   

Lagniappe 3. Terrific idea from @PickandPopNet "Free Throw Golf"