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Sunday, February 4, 2024

Basketball: What's Your Routine?

UNC Women's Soccer coach Anson Dorrance talks about "continual ascension." That only occurs when our habits help form sustainable competitive advantage.

Start with a list of possibilities and choose something that works for you. 

1. Writing/journaling. Invest in ourselves. It doesn't have to be basketball. Journal about your work, values, leadership, whatever. You don't have to share. 

2. Exercise. Find an embraceable routine. I find dumbbells versatile and useful for legs, core, and upper body. James Clear says to make the habit OBVIOUS, EASY, ATTRACTIVE, and REWARDING. 

3. Reading. Read what interests you and seek quality authors. I'm reading Tolstoy currently. 

4. Study video. Watch and ask 1) what are both teams trying to accomplish? 2) Are they successful? 3) Can I steal something?

5. Improve general knowledge and thinking. I favor MasterClass. Today I was rewatching a lesson from Dan Pink about influencing others. For example, he suggested asking 'on a scale of 10, how motivated are you to do X?" If it's a low number, ask why it's not lower. Maybe our child doesn't want a messy room because he'll be embarrassed if a friend visits.  

Credit players with great habits. Encourage players with good habits. Teach players with poor habits. 

Lagniappe. A louder voice isn't always heard better. 

Lagniappe 2.